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The Latest from the Think Health for A Change® Blog
Everyday Inspiration_Think Health For A Change
By Marilyn Shreve
We believe in home and that our home should restore us from the stresses of the day and ready us for tomorrow. We believe in seeking the balance between hustle and rest and learning to ...
Continue Reading Make Yourself Stronger
By Marilyn Shreve
More than ever we need qualities like grit, resilience and drive as well as physical power and stamina for a healthy mind and body. Fortunately. having one can make building all the others easier, research ...
Continue Reading The Biggest Obstacles To Changing The Standard of Health Care Are The Excuses
By Marilyn Shreve
Michelangelo had his Pope Julius II, Mozart his Colloredo. But they did not make excuses about the restrictions placed upon them. They made masterworks that changed the standards of art and music. In the US ...
Continue Reading Three Cheers for America’s Birthday!
By Marilyn Shreve
The Pledge of Allegiance just thirty-one words… whether we are aware of it or not, these thirty-one words carved out a place in our hearts—in the shape of a true patriot: a love of liberty, ...
Continue Reading For Long-Term Health and Happiness, Marriage Still Matters
By Marilyn Shreve
A new study in the journal Global Epidemiology authored by Dr, Brendan Case (Associate Director for Research at Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program gain and Dr. Ying Chen, research associate), it makes the case in ...
Continue Reading Another Medical Revolution Is Under Way
By Marilyn Shreve
We sometimes forget that, as recently as the 19th century, people suffered through gruesome surgeries without anesthesia. The first part of the 20th century saw only slow progress in clinical medicine. Even by the early ...
Continue Reading AWAKENINGS
By Marilyn Shreve
Spring, a time of awakening. Everything is clear and fragrant. “Live in each season as it passes: Breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” Henry ...
Continue Reading Declutter Your Mind
By Marilyn Shreve
“If you don’t know what to do with it, or where to put it, or why you ever bought it in the first place, or if looking at it depresses you, throw it out,” say ...
Continue Reading It’s Time to BREATHE
By Marilyn Shreve
Studies have shown that increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain and lungs can help reduce stress and impose endurance. As we face change in our world, just a thought to help you remember ...
Continue Reading Hope, Wish and Dream DAILY!
By Marilyn Shreve
Record your holy cow revelations. Answer the big “why not?” questions. Make your own life…in dreams there are no impossibilities. Capture new ideas that encourage you to press on regardless. Expand on those magical callings ...
Continue Reading Celebrations may be a prescription for Good Health
By Marilyn Shreve
Most people don’t need an excuse to throw a party — yet it might just be what the doctor ordered. According to a paper published in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, a peer-reviewed academic journal put out by the American Marketing Association, “celebrations might benefit our health and well-being. The research showed that…
Continue Reading Being “In The Now”
By Marilyn Shreve
Being “In the Now” is to be present in this moment. Learning how to be present is not easy. Focusing on the here and now can feel impossible with so many thoughts and distractions taking up your headspace. Yet if you can tune out these ruminations, there are benefits to brining your full attention to…
Continue Reading Why is Patient Engagement Important in Improving Healthcare?
By Marilyn Shreve
Effective patient engagement is essential in healthcare. It can improve the patient’s overall health. Here are some of the benefits it can provide: Improved patient satisfaction and care—Patients who have a voice in their treatment feel respected and heard. This leads them to be more activated with their treatment plan and medication adherence Improves patient’s…
Continue Reading What is Patient Engagement
By Marilyn Shreve
Patient engagement is when a person takes an active role in their own healthcare. This includes reading, researching symptoms, better understanding an illness (such as diabetes) and better understands different treatment options. Being an engaged patient means you are following your treatment and medication adherence plan and in communication with your healthcare providers. Patient engagement…
Continue Reading Change Your Thinking—Improve your Health!
By Marilyn Shreve
The more your focus on the positive things in your life, the more you can boost your immunity, diminish stress, and feel a sense of happiness. Through positive thinking and commitment, you can move from one health accomplishment to another. Passion, excitement and confidence are important medicines that you need every day. And they can…
Continue Reading HealtheGoals a Recipe for Your Heart
By Marilyn Shreve
HealtheGoals is an Evidence-Based Patient Solution Designed to deliver personalized tools, guidance and information that patients can use to play a greater role in the management of their high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart failure. Simply prescribing medications and lifestyle changes and expecting a patient to comply with these instructions may not be enough. …
Continue Reading Change Your Thinking—Improve your Health!
By Marilyn Shreve
The more your focus on the positive things in your life, the more you can boost your immunity, diminish stress, and feel a sense of happiness. Through positive thinking and commitment, you can move from one health accomplishment to another. Passion, excitement and confidence are important medicines that you need every day. And they can…
Continue Reading Live Your Best Life
By Marilyn Shreve
“And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never been.” –Rainer Maria Rilke A growing body of research attests to the profound mind-body benefits of getting centered. It’s called Being Awake. Good health is eating right, exercising, resting, and also being…
Continue Reading Health Is Thinking
By Marilyn Shreve
Thinking can be one of the most active things you can do. Most anything amazing that anyone has ever created started with a thought. Just by taking a moment in the middle of the day, having a conversation, taking a walk—even a block—can trigger thinking that breaks things wide open and changing your life and…
By Marilyn Shreve
Healthy relationships, including a strong network of family, friends, loved ones and colleagues A healthy, meaningful way to spend your days A healthy creative life, spiritual life as well as a healthy financial life that allows you to meet your essential needs A healthy mental and emotional life, characterized by optimism, gratitude and happiness A…
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