TIPHealth® is dedicated to Improving Treatment and Medication Adherence in America

The Future of Wireless WELLNESS is Now
Marilyn Standifer Shreve is a pioneer in using technology-assisted healthcare to expand the clinician’s voice and reach beyond the walls of traditional practice settings and into a patient’s everyday life.
In the past few years, surveys indicate that when it comes to technology-assisted healthcare (telehealth), 70% of patients are comfortable communicating with their healthcare providers via text, e-mail or video, in lieu of seeing them in person.
Here are some more statistics for your perusal: nearly 75% of U.S. consumers would use technology-assisted care; more than 60,000 health related Google searches occur every minute; and, 50% of patients with chronic conditions stop taking their medications after six months even though there may be a chance the patient will be hospitalized, go blind or die.
These statistics mean nothing without a forward-looking U.S. healthcare system laser-focused on using technology-assisted care to reach large diverse patient populations and ENGAGE individuals to take an active role in managing their treatment regimens, improve their medication adherence and adopt healthy lifestyles.
In a 21st Century healthcare system, we can use technology to move from patient experience and satisfaction to patient engagement and health outcomes. We believe that technology-assisted care is the key to engaging, managing, monitoring, measuring, evaluating and rewarding positive patient health outcomes for our U.S. healthcare delivery system to THRIVE. As Goethe wrote: “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Let us know your thoughts.