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Say YES to Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is actually Good for your Mental Health.

During February, I have always put a Valentine emphasis on celebrations with my friends.   I think of the holiday as a way to let others know how much they mean to me.  By recognizing and strengthening those bonds, it is also a way to boost your own mental health.  ‘

POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER.  It’s no secret that adults who have a circle of friends are healthier and can even live longer than those who don’t.  Research studies indicate that people who are part of a strong social network have a lower risk of serious health problems including high blood pressure, depression and being overweight, according to the Mayo Clinic.

During February (I call it a month of hearts), I make one-on-one lunch or latte dates with my good friends.

Shining a light on these friendships, does not stop there.  I like to add a little creativity.  Remember those little Valentine’s Day cards we used to pass out as kids. Most of them were corny, but still were a way to connect with a friend in school.  I have incorporated that idea by sending Valentine cards to my close friends who live far way.  I let them know how they make my life better.

Take the time to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a friend or two—it will boost your happiness and reduce your stress!

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