TIPHealth® is dedicated to Improving Treatment and Medication Adherence in America

Room for Improvement
“The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.” Japanese Proverb
We all have something we want to change about ourselves or learn to do.
Usually, in January, people get inspired (again!) to get organized, start exercising, lose weight or learn to paint—but a few months later they give up. Why do we find it so hard to change? Change requires that we stretch not only mentally, but emotionally and spiritually. It takes energy, determination and aspiration. It requires starting over when we break a resolution or get discouraged.
We expect too much of ourselves and we expect to change overnight. Social scientists tell us that to make or break a habit, it takes thirty days. The good news is that once you learn your success formula, once you have cultivated new inner and outer emotional, mental and spiritual resources, you can apply those to anything you want to cultivate in yourself.
No matter what new habit or dream we choose to cultivate in 2021, we are also growing our souls. For the process of change itself teaches patience, humor, resolve, gratefulness, persistence, perseverance and compassion for ourselves. These precious soul qualities alone are worth the effort.
There is a Zen chant that goes:
“Life is fleeting. Gone, gone—
Awake. Awake each one! Do not waste this life!”