TIPHealth® is dedicated to Improving Treatment and Medication Adherence in America

Now Is the Only Time You Have to Live Fully and Well
Our time alive is brief by any standard. We will not be given a second chance.
Now is the only opportunity we’ll have to give our life meaning and find satisfaction in our daily lives. We will not be given a second chance.
Each of us is given an unknown amount of time alive on this planet. While we are alive we live from one moment to the next. The time to be all that you dream of becoming is now—right now, right here where you are. It is said that the ancient Greeks whispered to each other every morning: “If not now, when?”
We have no guarantees or certainties; the certainty we have is this present alive moment, this precious gift of time. Our moment of truth is now. Our entire life depends on our wise use of our moments.
Living well this moment is a “call to action” … and can be a health awakening of sorts.
This very moment we can take a step forward and think about what our health means to us. Being engaged with our health TODAY means we are engaged with our life.
(Ideas shared with me from a wise woman, Alexandra Stoddard)