TIPHealth® is dedicated to Improving Treatment and Medication Adherence in America

The Marriage of Human Empathy and AI in Patient Engagement
Never underestimate the power of a good story to engage you and to gain your attention.
While storytelling is powerful on its own, when you combine the story with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and interactivity, patient health engagement increases. According to Search Engine Watch, storytelling can boost patient engagement in their health by 33 percent.
Cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner once found that the human mind is more likely to remember facts if they are part of a story. Other studies have backed this up.
The best results are achieved when a story is combined with AI and behavioral science principles. When AI and behavioral science are integrated, the message resonates with you because your personal needs are addressed. Motivational health messages via digital health coaches can be tailored though AI just for you.
Injecting AI personalization and behavioral science into the story ensures that the story becomes your story because the messages are extremely personal and relatable to you.
This type of patient-centered program can lead to each of us having engaging, continuous, actionable and empathetic communications about our health.