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Celebrations may be a prescription for Good Health
Most people don’t need an excuse to throw a party — yet it might just be what the doctor ordered.
According to a paper published in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, a peer-reviewed academic journal put out by the American Marketing Association, “celebrations might benefit our health and well-being.
The research showed that these celebrations need three components: 1) gathering with other people; 2) having food and drink; and 3) highlighting an important milestone. Celebrations reinforce participants’ social support and provide reassurance they have a social network when adversity strikes”.
Buying yourself a congratulatory gift to celebrate an accomplishment just isn’t the same as celebrating with a dinner or small get-together with friends.
The lead author Danielle Brick from the University of Connecticut learned that celebrations don’t necessarily need to be extravagant to be beneficial. They just have to mark someone’s positive life event and involve food or drink with other people.
Previous research defined “perceived social support” as the belief that people are there for you in times of adversity.
Call a friend—book a coffee date with him/her when something special has occurred in your life and/or work—it’s good for your health.