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Can You Think Yourself Well?
One doctor (Lisa Lankin, M.D.) explains how to tap into the power of your mind to feel better—every day.
What if you had the ability to heal your body just by changing how you think and feel?
“I know it sounds radical, coming from a doctor. When healthy habits aren’t enough. My patients answers to two questions often gave me more insight into why they might be sick than any lab test or exam could. They were unhealthy not because of bad genes or poor habits or rotten luck but because they were lonely or miserable in their relationships, stressed about work, freaked out about their finances or profoundly depressed.
On the flip side, I had other patients who ate junk food, forgot to take their supplements, rarely exercised and enjoyed seemingly perfect health. Their responses revealed that their lives were filled with love, fun, meaningful work, creative expression, spiritual connection and other traits that differentiated them from the sick health enthusiasts.
What’s really going on …it is the mind/body Rx. The scientific evidence I uncovered in major medical journals back this up: the lifestyle choices you make can optimize your body’s relaxation response, counteract the stress response and result in physiological changes, leading to better health.”
What does your body need to heal?
“The body doesn’t fuel how we live our lives. Instead, it is a mirror on how we live our lives. So if you are not feeling well despite doing all the right things, take a deep breath and ask yourself—what does my body need in order to heal? If you’re honest with yourself, the answers could save your health—and your life.”