TIPHealth® is dedicated to Improving Treatment and Medication Adherence in America

Being “In The Now”
Being “In the Now” is to be present in this moment. Learning how to be present is not easy. Focusing on the here and now can feel impossible with so many thoughts and distractions taking up your headspace. Yet if you can tune out these ruminations, there are benefits to brining your full attention to the current moment.
In each task that you do, your mind should be right beside you. The meaning of being present is that your physical body and mind are focused on the task at hand.
Research indicates that those who are best at shaping a healthy life are firmly rooted in the present. They are not just reacting on impulses; they are awake and live in the moment or “in the now.”
“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” Buddha
Here are six tips to help you be more present in your daily life:
- Focus on your breathing
- Try meditation practices
- Limit the time you spend on social media
- Stay connected with your body
- Keep a gratitude (not a grievance) journal
- Understand that you do not have all the answers.