TIPHealth® is dedicated to Improving Treatment and Medication Adherence in America

Think HEALTH for a Change®

The Latest from the Think Health for A Change® Blog

Behavioral Science Healthcare Solutions

SHOW GRATITUDE—it’s good for your health

Need a quick mood boost? Try a gratitude exercise.  Feelings of gratitude are linked to happiness and wellbeing—according to the Human Performance Institute. Connect with a person you are grateful to have in your life ...
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Marilyn Shreve

The Best Reason to Trust Science

Some interesting insights from Dr. Rovelli, a theoretical physicist from his recent book Anaximander and the Birth of Science. Scientists aren’t always certain about how the world works but they are usually willing to change ...
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Health lifestyles

Loco for Cocoa

Certain holidays just call for chocolate: Valentine's Day, Easter, Passover, Halloween, Christmas, Passover, and others. From white to milk to dark chocolate, consumers have a delicious array to choose from. But all chocolates are not ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Marriage of Human Empathy and AI in Patient Engagement

Never underestimate the power of a good story to engage you and to gain your attention. While storytelling is powerful on its own, when you combine the story with Artificial Intelligence (AI)   and interactivity,  patient ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Will Patients Drive the Adoption of New Technology?

Consumers are demanding more convenience, choice and control when it comes to their healthcare and despite the fact that treatment and medication non-adherence costs our economy over $300 billion annually, healthcare has lagged behind other ...
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Chronic Diseases

Think Health For A Change

There'll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read them but all that is going to matter is that little dash between them.  Rethinking your health is a reminder to take ...
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Bugs That Can Help You Breathe

We acquire our first microbes from our mothers, during birth or even in utero. According to researcher Susan Lynch: “Over our first years of life, our microbiomes rapidly diversify and these germs provide our developing ...
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Behavioral Science Healthcare Solutions

How Can Chat GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) be used in Treatment and Medication Adherence?

Chat GPT or Generative artificial intelligence (AI) may transform the human cognitive process. This form of AI can converse with humans. AI  capabilities/tools are being built that can detect and measure more subjective human emotions ...
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Marilyn Shreve, TIP Health,
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Will Consumers/Patients Drive the Adoption of a Seamless Technology-assisted Healthcare Delivery System?

Consumers are demanding more convenience, choice and control when it comes to their healthcare and despite the fact that treatment and medication non-adherence costs our economy over $300 billion annually, healthcare has lagged behind other ...
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Say YES to Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is actually Good for your Mental Health. During February, I have always put a Valentine emphasis on celebrations with my friends.   I think of the holiday as a way to let others know ...
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Everyday Inspiration_Think Health For A Change

We believe in home and that our home should restore us from the stresses of the day and ready us for tomorrow. We believe in seeking the balance between hustle and rest and learning to find contentment in both.  We believe in kindness, knowing we are made better when we all work together.  We believe…
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Brain Health

Make Yourself Stronger

More than ever we need qualities like grit, resilience and drive as well as physical power and stamina for a healthy mind and body.   Fortunately. having one can make building all the others easier, research has found. Studies indicate that increasing your physical strength ” allows you to see that you can do difficult things…
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Biggest Obstacles To Changing The Standard of Health Care Are The Excuses

Michelangelo had his Pope Julius II, Mozart his Colloredo. But they did not make excuses about the restrictions placed upon them.  They made masterworks that  changed the standards of art and music. In the US healthcare system, the medicines are complex, and the regulations are stifling but using the complexity of our healthcare system as…
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Three Cheers for America’s Birthday!

The Pledge of Allegiance just thirty-one words… whether we are aware of it or not, these thirty-one words carved out a place in our hearts—in the shape of a true patriot:  a love of liberty, a defender of faith, a promoter of unity, a champion of peace, a protector of democracy and a guardian on…
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Health lifestyles

For Long-Term Health and Happiness, Marriage Still Matters

A new study in the journal Global Epidemiology authored by Dr, Brendan Case (Associate Director for Research at Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program gain and Dr. Ying Chen, research associate),  it makes the case in its findings that married women were more optimistic and had a greater sense of purpose. Their findings’ were striking. The…
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Another Medical Revolution Is Under Way

We sometimes forget that, as recently as the 19th century, people suffered through gruesome surgeries without anesthesia. The first part of the 20th century saw only slow progress in clinical medicine. Even by the early 1970s, doctors, for the most part, could only observe the human devastation caused by serious diseases. Physicians had little in…
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Health lifestyles


Spring, a time of awakening. Everything is clear and fragrant. “Live in each season as it passes:  Breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” Henry David Thoreau Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. By finding beauty in the ordinary , you can add…
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Behavioral Science Healthcare Solutions

Declutter Your Mind

“If you don’t know what to do with it, or where to put it, or why you ever bought it in the first place, or if looking at it depresses you, throw it out,”  say Leslie Raycraft my friend and CEO of Posh Organizing in Connecticut. According to Gail Blanke, a personal life coach, here…
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Brain Health

It’s Time to BREATHE

Studies have shown that increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain and lungs can help reduce stress and impose endurance.  As we face change in our world, just  a thought  to help you remember to breathe.
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Brain Health

Hope, Wish and Dream DAILY!

Record your holy cow revelations.  Answer the big “why not?” questions. Make your own life…in dreams there are no impossibilities. Capture new ideas that encourage you to press on regardless.  Expand on those magical callings that give your heart wings.  Celebrate the dreamer in you. Life is the grand adventure and only a life worth…
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